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Johan van Bommel

Johan van Bommel

3 J u s t c r e a t i n g S T U F F t h a t I l i k e 3

8 top 50
11 songs
1.9K plays
Picture for song 'Back To My UFO' by artist 'Johan van Bommel'

Back To My UFO

This song is about ladies and me liking each other, while still being free. Also it's about getting back to my UFO, as time seems to be scarce on Earth. Therefore I have to divide my time carefully. Always LOVE for you 3
Picture for song 'Red Haired Lady' by artist 'Johan van Bommel'

Red Haired Lady

A short song about a nice girl with red hair
Picture for song 'Dingen Kloppen Niet' by artist 'Johan van Bommel'

Dingen Kloppen Niet

When I moved from a very small town to real city, I barely had any friends there, so I decided to buy a guitar. I liked It so much that I wanted to do as much as possible with it. Then I started writing some lyrics and try to mix them together. Then there was a 'learn to play in a band' project I signed up for. With this project I got some coaching on the way to the first live-gig. This is where finding friends and getting connected really started to happen. We played a few gigs after this band project, but then the girl bass player and I decided to start a new band with more dedication. Here I started singing or rapping as well. This band is called 'Spelfout' wich is Dutch for 'Spelling Mistake' but you can also see it as 'Game Mistake' because we tend to deny the 'rules' for music. It's Dutch pop/rock, with some rap flavours. Tho we didn't bring out any music, we were able to gain some experience by playing live gigs, including some nice festivals. At a certain point we re-arranged the band, to be more dedicated again. We still play live gigs with this band, and we're patiently working towards recording our first EP and attending some band battles. Meanwhile I've always felt writing in English was also nice. I've had a lot of song ideas, but most of them where always small concepts. I've done a small hand full of solo performances with these songs and I want to improve in this. Therefore I'd like to share ideas on this page and get in touch for getting feedback etc.
Band/artist history
You can read it in the previous answer, but in short: 2016: Started playing guitar 2017: Playing guitar in my first band 'Rolmops' / live gigs / 2017: Starting the new band 'Spelfout' / guitar+singing/rapping / live gigs / 2018: Spelfout / live gigs / first solo gig / 2019: Spelfout / live gigs /
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, and sure! I remember my very first gig, I only played guitar, but the singer sang my lyrics and it felt so powerful, because it happened on a stage in front of an audience. It felt really weird and cool to be able to share a piece of my story in this form. Another thing I really remember was when I wrote lyrics and chords together for the first time, and played them for my girlfriend back then and she started to cry. It felt very real and unreal at the same time. With Spelfout we got the chance to play as a the high school band in a Dutch TV-series called SpangaS. This was a very nice experience, also because I watched this serieus when I was younger.
Your musical influences
I really like rock 'n roll music. My mom and dad raised me listening to Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, and Herman Brood. He was the biggest rock 'n roll artist ever in the Netherlands in my opinion. Today I think it's Jett Rebel, I've seen a shitload of his live performances.
What equipment do you use?
A Vintage VS6 guitar (with Jett Rebel's signature!) A custum Fender Stratocaster with two humbuckers.
Anything else?
3 s h a r e s o m e p e a c e a n d l o v e 3


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