Leon House

Beck, Nirvana, The Beatles, Dashboard Confessional, Young MC, The Cure, etc. LEON HOUSE is my name, REMEMBER my name, BECAUSE I will be FAMOUS (man, I haven't

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32 songs
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Picture for song 'Fall In (rough draft)' by artist 'Leon House'

Fall In (rough draft)

This is a nice & soft song about wanting to Fall In love again... Just vox & guitar so far. Recorded & Produced by Leon House & Richard Stevens

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Lovely Holocaust' by artist 'Leon House'

Lovely Holocaust

Recorded on @ The Skip Tracers' Haven using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.0. Just has guitar and vocals.

Acoustic Rock

Picture for song 'Used By You' by artist 'Leon House'

Used By You

2 vox, 1 keyboard, 1 KeyDrums, and 2 bass guitars. Somewhat industrial, NiNish I guess?


Picture for song 'Temporary Insanity' by artist 'Leon House'

Temporary Insanity

This songs full name is actually, "I Don't Believe You, Think It's All Just Temporary Insanity, And The Fire Still It Burns", but Temporary Insanity will do. 1 vox, 1 acoustic guitar

Acoustic Rock

Picture for song 'Dying Kiss (Instrumental)' by artist 'Leon House'

Dying Kiss (Instrumental)

This is my second attempt recently at an Electronica type song. This was made using Tuareg. Has Stereo effects so it's best @ Hi-Fi.


So I haven't updated this in awhile and this is my interview from many many years ago, I will update my interview section in the next few days, for now you can read what I posted a long time ago, haha. "LEON HOUSE" is my name, "REMEMBER" my name, "BECAUSE" I will be "FAMOUS"... I'm a Singer/Songwriter/Promoter from Washington State, USA.
Band/artist history
I've been in various bands, some did concerts, some were just a bunch of talk; some I was the head of and sang in some I just played an instrument and did backing vox: UtopiAbyss, Nirvana, Dead Hope Aisles (DHA), Dean dork (Dd), The Skip Tracers, Content 2 Drown, Ask For Mary Joe, Wrong Over Rit (WOR), and a few others I've forgotten about... I've been playing shows since around 96 or 97 and have put on many concerts w/ my promotion company called The Skip Tracers' Promotions (TSTP) @ http://www.TheSkipTracers.com I just decided recently some time in 2003 to do my solo project full time. I've released 2 albums. 1 a mostly solo acoustic album (Low Quality Sampler CD-R (02-03)), and 1 an Album Full Of Noise (Dead Hope Aisles (03)). I'm working on a few albums at the moment of various musical styles. I'm into pretty much every kind of music I can get into my ears.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, I play live around Washington State at the moment, and am slowly expanding outwards. I mainly play from Winlock to Olympia.
Your musical influences
The Beatles, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Dasboard Confessional, Garth Brooks, Young MC, Vendetta Red, Nine Inch Nails (NiN), and many more...
What equipment do you use?
A Yamaha Acoustic, A Galien Krueger 240-watt combo w/ a 12" and a 4x12 cab connected to it (mainly just use these first two live), Korg : Toneworks :AX300G Effects Processor, Fender Telecaster (electric), CB Drums, Yamaha Keyboard, Rogue Bass Guitar, Marshall G100RCD Amp Head, Various Mixers, Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.0


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