Warm Studio Greg Fugate

1 top 50
6 songs
1.1K plays
Picture for song 'Starry Night' by artist 'Warm Studio Greg Fugate'

Starry Night

This song was a collaboration between Brent Mendenhal, Robin McCoy and Greg Fugate.

Country General

Picture for song 'Thunder and Lightning' by artist 'Warm Studio Greg Fugate'

Thunder and Lightning

Song by Brent Mendenhal, Robin McCoy and Greg Fugate.


Picture for song 'Pick a chord' by artist 'Warm Studio Greg Fugate'

Pick a chord

Did this song on a weekend when I had nothing to do. I play all the instruments and Robin McCoy came over and did B/U vocals for me.

Country General

Picture for song '8th & 9th street' by artist 'Warm Studio Greg Fugate'

8th & 9th street

Another weekend song, I play most instruments and steel guitar was collaborated on the internet...Great musician!

Country General

Picture for song 'Music In My Head' by artist 'Warm Studio Greg Fugate'

Music In My Head

Greg Fugate on lead vocals, lyrics by Brent Mendenhal.

Classic Rock


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