I am Mr D Camp. My hobby is composing and arranging tunes using music software. Ever since I could listen to music, I always wished I could re-arrange it. I did not have a group of musicians. Now in the computer age with music software I am able to listen to what I hear in my head. The 178th street chamber orchestra is my fictitious group of virtual musicians who sometimes collaborate with other fictitious groups such as the Bathgate Avenue Boys Choir or the Beneath-the-Expressway Rhythm Kings. I compose original tunes. I re-arrange existing tunes. I try to keep these as short as possible. Two minutes is an epic. Some are easy listening. Some are experimental. I do this for my personal enjoyment but I hope you enjoy too. Thank you.
Since April 6, 2019.
My musical influences are early 60s top 40, Motown, the Beatles, Jazz, Baroque and Latin.