Comments 70
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Masters of Silence
Apr 06, 2013
Wow! Outstanding drumming as expected but the guitarists on free bird got to be the original ones too!
Spiritwind pop
Dec 31, 2008
Awesome tribute - Awesome music. May Southern rockers live on forever! Spiritwind pop
Oct 11, 2007
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYNYRD SKYNYRD 30 YEAR ANNIVERSARY T-SHIRT Beautiful custom design by Gene Odom to celebrate Ronnie, Steve, Cassie, Dean, & Leon and all the other Free Birds who are no longer with us. All procedes will go to the medical bills of Tyler Davis, grandson of Gene who is battling leukemia
Aug 08, 2007
Yo Ted! Long time no see! I've been big time busy with the Half Track gig (check us out at and the band is really starting to take off. We're gonna start laying down tracks for our upcoming CD and two of the original songs we've been playing live are already bringing the house down. It's been a ton of fun. But on the instrumental side of things, I just posted up a couple of new tunes. One is a sample of the first song on my upcoming instrumental CD called, "Overbored", and the other is my weak attempt at playing bluegrass-style music. My kids demanded that I post it up so I finally gave in. If you get the time, check 'em out and tell me what ya think! Take care man! TJ
Jul 19, 2007
Hum.................................................. Good luck with your band.
Muk from Ohio
Jul 06, 2007
Great sound! Love the southern rock! We have a couple new tunes on the charts you might like. Thanks.
Jun 30, 2007
love southern rock !! you guys are great !
the lone rearranger
Jun 27, 2007
Hi! I'm new to Soundclick, but I've found you and you rock! Excellent, powerful stuff. Glad to have found you. Alan
Ben J Hayes
May 04, 2007
I Love this guys rock! Hot Vote from me.
craig stevenz
Apr 13, 2007
10 cent boots!!!!
gibson 1
Mar 29, 2007
Sounding good guys. Kickin' butt. Kevin
Mar 02, 2007
Just wanted to drop by and say, "Thanks" for adding "Europa" to your station. You can't realize what an honor that is for me. That made my day, guys.
Feb 28, 2007
It's good to hear all of you playing together. This music is something that I grew up on and the stuff I play in the band I'm in now. It never gets old. Rock and Roll never gets old. The stuff that you guys helped to create will live on forever. It's timeless. God bless ya for keeping this music going. You know, they can throw all the technology they want at us but it's still never going to be as good as plugging your guitar in and truly feeling. This is honest music here. What's different and unique about it is that there is actual depth to it that hasn't been duplicated by the many artists (including myself) that try and create today. Just keep going and don't stop.
Feb 25, 2007
greetings from Sydney Australia, great sound guys! look forward to hearin more.
Feb 24, 2007
Waw, whisky rockĀ“n,roll. Incredible, nice and cool music. Congratulation!!!
Feb 20, 2007
Swamps in the house cuz kick ass southern rock n roll
Feb 06, 2007
Visit for a free mastering sample and hear for yourself what professional mastering can do for your sound.
Secret Service
Jan 12, 2007
What's really right? The music is HOT. Hit up our artist Jux for a collab. To hear what he can do, go to our page and peep 'They Already Know PT. I' and download it if you like it. Hit us up ASAP. Learn Early, Die Late. SS711. Scream!
Dec 31, 2006
If you ever see this band playing near your town, please alert the local fire marshal because when these guys unleash the rock, mullets everywhere will spontaneously combust.
Dec 27, 2006
loving it man, good ol' south rock .. can hear some skynard influence, later man