Alege beat-ul potrivit pentru urmatorul tau proiect!

Fight Dark Trap beat
$23 Trap

TrapON Instrumental
$23 Trap

Club -Tyga Type Beat
$23 Trap

1$ Million Trap Instrumental
$23 Trap

Sport - Trap Beat
$23 Trap
Show all (47)
No audio tag
Unlimited sales
Unlimited sales
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MP3 file
WAV file
Audio tags
Sales limit
Paid streams limit
Publishing split
Must credit producer
Exclusive rights
License duration
Why would I need a license?
A license is needed if you want to use the music for anything else than just listening for your pleasure. Typical uses are
- freestyling over a beat
- licensing music for use in TV or for a movie
- remixing or use audio samples
What are the license options and what are the differences between those?
We offer up to 5 license templates (Basic, Premium, Track Out, Unlimited, Exclusive) and it's up to the artist which ones he/she wants to make available. Each license comes with different perks. In general, the higher the price, the better the perks.
You can click on each feature on the left side of the comparison chart above to learn more about each one.
You can click on each feature on the left side of the comparison chart above to learn more about each one.
When will I get the track I purchased?
You can download all related files immediately after your purchase. We also email you a one-time download link for a download later.
How can I remove the audio tag from the track?
A "tagged beat" is a demonstration version of an instrumental that contains distinct audio watermarks that typically play throughout the entire track. The purpose of a producer tagging his/her instrumental is to prevent piracy and to encourage serious recording artists to purchase a license.
To get a tag-free audio please make sure you purchase a license which features "untagged audio".
To get a tag-free audio please make sure you purchase a license which features "untagged audio".
I purchased a $1 download, why is the beat still tagged?
Beats purchased for $1 in our store are meant for streaming and demo use only, just like downloads from iTunes store or Amazon music.
To license a beat without audio tag and to use in a professional manner please buy a license from this page. Usually those are $25 and up.
To license a beat without audio tag and to use in a professional manner please buy a license from this page. Usually those are $25 and up.
What is a stem / trackout file?
A Stem file is an audio file that contains a track split into several musical elements: A drums stem, a bassline stem, a harmony stem, and a lead stem for example.
The Stem file also usually includes the original stereo master of the track for standard playback.
The Stem file also usually includes the original stereo master of the track for standard playback.
Why would I need a stem / trackout file?
A trackout file gives you much better control. Imagine you rap over a beat and you realize the percussions take the focus away from your vocals. With a trackout file
you can simply tone down the percussion and the focus is now on the vocals. With a trackout file you have much more flexibility and a whole different level of control.
Numele meu este Filip Alexandru si fac muzica de foarte mult timp.
Am inceput sa cant la clape de mic si intre timp am dezvoltat o pasiune pentru productia muzicala.
Produc muzica de aproximativ 6 ani si vreau sa impartasesc munca mea si cu altii artisti.
Sper sa colaborez cu cat mai multi oameni si sa ducem muzica la alt nivel!
What equipment do you use?
Ca si echipament software folosesc :
-FL Studio
-Slate Digital ( pentru mix/master+productie)
-Splice pentru bancile de sunete
Ca si hardware folosesc:
-monitoare Yamaha hs5
-interfata Focusrite
-Casti de la audiotehnica
-clapa midi M-audio CODE 49
Not related to artist