Through the Woods

Through the Woods is a stoner rock band hailing from the forests and hills of southern West Virginia with a real passion for rock 'n' roll and smokin dope.

2 top 50
12 songs
58 plays
Picture for song 'IX. 101' by artist 'Through the Woods'

IX. 101

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'I. Through The Woods' by artist 'Through the Woods'

I. Through The Woods

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'V. Interlude' by artist 'Through the Woods'

V. Interlude

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'VII. Ghost Town' by artist 'Through the Woods'

VII. Ghost Town

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'II. Counting to Three' by artist 'Through the Woods'

II. Counting to Three

Hard Rock

Through the Woods brings a muscular heavy rock style exuding raw, infectious catchiness with a hint of bluesy swagger and desert strut to form their own brand of stoner rock with a southern fried tinge. Hailing from the forests and hills of southern West Virginia with a real passion for rock 'n' roll, these 4 dudes have a particular knack for cranking out hard hitting jams with undeniable grooves and memorable hooks. Their debut full length effort "The Roots" and their sound defining self-titled EP combined with a high energy, organic stage presence has quickly made TTW a local favorite. This sentiment is spreading into the neighboring regions with a steady following growing in Virginia and into North Carolina and Georgia. If you dig an upbeat rockin sound with a solid sense of melody that makes you wanna get up and get going then Through the Woods is the band to watch!
Band/artist history
We got stoned and formed a band. Now we are in a band. Are you truly interested in this section? I mean, really? Didn't think so. For any historians reading, just shoot us a message.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yeah. Countless times. Generally speaking, that's what bands do.
Your musical influences
Punk Rock to Desert Rock & Doom Metal to Blues we enjoy and are influenced by most non - electronic music.
What equipment do you use?
Instruments, typically.
Anything else?
Smoke more dope. That's it.
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