Most people would say that I came from nothing and worked my way to the top. But to me, I was already at the top; I just needed to listen to that voice from God telling me to follow his footsteps I was already on my path. I had a support system that was behind every move I made and worked to the extreme. I write, produce, promote, and recruit; I guess you can call me a phenomenal man because I dont just do itI do it well, and the outcome is outstanding work. Where Im from all you can do is dream, but making that dream come true is up to you; and thats what Im doing. Everything being done here is realits all solo style work; no tricks, stunts, or legs being pulled I do my own work. With that all being said I think thats what sets me different from the other entrepreneurs working their way to the top. My advice to those who want to get to that specific point is whatever you do, do it to the extreme.