Past Life Anti-Christ
I'm just an artist trying to make a real difference in the world, I wont just sing about it, I'll go the extra mile and do it.
Past Life Anti-Christ - This Aint America
Past Life Anti-Christ - Black
Nothing Left of me
Forever hell pt 2
Forever Hell WV
Show all (13)
I'm not like the mainstream artists who just sing about what's wrong with the world, get famous, filthy rich, and do nothing to actually better it, if I was put in the position to be financially stable I'd actually help others, but people wont band together and help heroes, they'd rather worship demons and then complain that their life sucks, hey it's on you, help me and I'll do what I can to make things right, help celebrities and they'll keep taking while laughing at your pain.
Band/artist history
Pain, Most of my music comes from pain induced by a society that doesn't care.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Your musical influences
Heroes don't exist, Miracles don't exist, I've had influences when I started, but I'm no fan of monsters, the influencers of my generation only cared about themselves, otherwise they would have helped when I asked for it, nobody ever helped.
What equipment do you use?
I have a little cheapo headset I use to record, just earbuds with a mic, and an outdated music production program because I'm pretty much dirt poor.
Anything else?
Be kind, right from wrong is common sense, Don't let your primitive sexual desires define who you are like the majority of agenda pushing artists, it's primitive behavior, we need morality and intelligence to make a difference.
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