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Solid Rock Blues Band

Solid Rock Blues Band

The Solid Rock Blues Band, previously known as Barking Aunts, is a music project that started in 2000. It's a studio-band, with help of friends and family.

5 top 1
12 top 50
55 songs
7.3K plays
Picture for song 'Special Kind of Cruel' by artist 'Solid Rock Blues Band'

Special Kind of Cruel

She's Cruel. A Special Kind of Cruel.
Picture for song 'Thoughts and Prayers ft. Jay Hud' by artist 'Solid Rock Blues Band'

Thoughts and Prayers ft. Jay Hud

Yes I believe in freedom. I believe in taking care for the weak also. The children, the elderly, the poor. It's not enough to send 'thoughts and prayers'. Stop violence against the innocent!
Picture for song 'Songs for Sale (free track)' by artist 'Solid Rock Blues Band'

Songs for Sale (free track)

Instumental Bluesrock song in the key of D
The Solid Rock Blues Band is a music project that started in 2000, when I started recording at home. It is a Home recording studio project for several musicians and songwriters but mainly for Rudy aka The Solid Rock Blues Band project (previously known as the Barking Aunts project and before that as YAOMB, meaning: Yet Another One Man Band). I do a lot of co-writing with others, and record demo's for Mirjam Tamara, Judith and bands like Ten Years Today. Please visit my official website for more details and recordings of other bands.
Band/artist history
I started playing guitar at age 16. After a few years I more or less stopped playing on a regular basis. In 2000, I got back to playing guitar on a more regular base and also started recording using a computer. This has now resulted in a fully functional, small, home recording studio where I've recorded several solo albums as well as albums with others and recorded and produced demo's and full albums for Ten Years Today (regional band), Mirjam Tamara (singer-songwriter) and others.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I play live occasionally.
Your musical influences
Larry Norman, Bob Dylan, John Mellencamp, Lou Reed, U2, The Cure, Big Country, The Alarm and many others.
What equipment do you use?
Since I operate a studio, there is a lot of equipment available. I have a short listing available on my website at https://www.solidrockbluesband.com/studio/
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