Talk Sikk Muzik and Talk Sikk Beats

Talk Sikk Muzik - Artist Team & Record Label Talk Sikk Beats - Producer Team & Production Label Dj Kruxx - CEO (Artist/Producer) "There is no limitations when it comes to dedication. Keep your dreams alive until they come true. Don't stop till you drop six feet beneath." -Kyle Pinto COMING SOON!!! Introducing: New Producers to the TALK SIKK BEATS Production Team PRODUCER NAMES WILL BE UPDATED BY THE END OF NOVEMBER.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I played my acoustic songs in front of Speedway for about a year before they kicked me off the premises. It was fun and I enjoyed playing in front of people I did not know.
What equipment do you use?
I use a Jackson Guitar, Piano Keyboard (Casio), MIDI Drumpad (MPC), and a variety of software. Combining the sounds and notes I use from each software then mixing them down into one track. I make beats everyday. My goal is to make 8 a day but usually happens only two or three times a week.
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