Michael Anderson (UK)

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46 top 1
192 top 50
285 songs
287K plays
Picture for song 'Whole Wide World' by artist 'Michael Anderson (UK)'

Whole Wide World

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Stronger' by artist 'Michael Anderson (UK)'
Picture for song 'Don't Look Down' by artist 'Michael Anderson (UK)'

Don't Look Down

#25 in Avant Rock

Picture for song 'Chains of Time' by artist 'Michael Anderson (UK)'

Chains of Time


Picture for song 'Fascinating' by artist 'Michael Anderson (UK)'


#8 in Shoegaze

I started writing and recording music at the age of seventeen, when myself and my best friend Tony Green could barely play a note between us. We improved over the years, though, and after a long lay off I returned to making music in 2014.
Band/artist history
I wrote and recorded music from the age of seventeen till I was twenty-six, then had a long break till the release of my album Spring in 2015.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, probably a dozen times. These were in conjunction with best friend Tony Green as first The Revolver, then as Roctober. We were terrible to start with, but we did improve. Most memorable gigs were on the ferry from Aberdeen to Lerwick, and as part of the bill at the Winter Gardens, Cleethorpes. I busked for probably 200 or more hours in Grimsby.
Your musical influences
Always the Beatles, plus Bowie, Kate Bush, Pink Floyd, Nick Drake, Dylan, folk, hard rock, blues, pop, genres of metal, classical and opera.
What equipment do you use?
Zoom R-24 recording console, two Yamaha keyboards, and lots of guitars and a bass. I master using Audacity.
Anything else?
I'm always pleased to be added to playlists, when I get followers on Soundclick, and when people download my stuff.


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