D B Hankinster

singer-songwriter who records at home,where ever that may be. I have an arsenal of 500 songs or so, some of which I hope you will be hearing..Would love to hear

1 top 1
152 top 50
258 songs
722K plays
Picture for song 'Aint She The Living End' by artist 'D B Hankinster'

Aint She The Living End

Alt Power Pop

Picture for song 'God Fell Asleep--original version' by artist 'D B Hankinster'

God Fell Asleep--original version

Garage Rock

Picture for song 'Oh What A Foolish Heart' by artist 'D B Hankinster'

Oh What A Foolish Heart


Picture for song 'Say Goodnight---piano version' by artist 'D B Hankinster'

Say Goodnight---piano version

Acoustic Piano

Picture for song 'A Bottle And A Gun' by artist 'D B Hankinster'

A Bottle And A Gun

Other Alternative


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