I'm a dude from Kansas that makes beats. Just graduated HS. I pretty much make anything that I feel, be it soft music, hard music, or anything between.
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That feeling you get when you fall deeply in love someone but you know deep in your heart that it'll never work out; kind of like bliss with a tinge of blue

Basically, I made this song when my grandma died. It's about how I felt that everybody abandoned me.

The saddest you could possibly get. And then some. Wrote this when my grandma started to pass.
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Hi guys! I'm Austin Drake, a.k.a. Phatahl. I'm a music producer from a little town called Independence, Kansas. I've been creating all kinds of music ever since my toddler brain decided to hit the record button. I'd say music is above all my biggest passion; music has helped me through a lot of tough times, tough breakups, downward spirals, etc. Through this, I realized the power of music, so I made it my personal goal to try and help people through tough times as well withmusic. I'd say my primary genre is Electronic music, but I make a wide variety of stuff.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I do play live, whenever I can. I don't really get the chance to often because, well, I'm still in High School, hahah, but when I do, boy I love it. I'd think the best show I've ever done was at my Ascension album release party. It was at a boxing club. After getting the owners permission, my grandpa and I went in and moved all the punching bags, which proved to be quite difficult, good god. My mom was in their kitchen making
Your musical influences
When I first started it was definitely Skrillex. The audio quality of his material just blew me away, I wanted my stuff to sound like that. After Dubstep kind of died down, I went my own way until I discovered XXYYXX, which really set me on to Triphop and Chillout.
What equipment do you use?
I have a laptop, some studio monitors, Ableton, and a bunch of VSTs, hahah.
Anything else?
I know this may be cheesy, but I really want to thank you for taking the time to visit this page. There are lost of artists out there, and I feel honored that you decided to come here, be it on accident or purposefully. I appreciate it a lot. Have a great day!
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