Ambient Magic

Working guitarist who likes to create new material and publish it

11 songs
647 plays
Picture for song 'Arising' by artist 'Ambient Magic'


An acoustic guitar and flute based duet over a basic rock beat

Ambient No samples

Picture for song 'Falling Leaves' by artist 'Ambient Magic'

Falling Leaves

This piece is an organ sequence over which has been laid an arpeggio classical guitar sequence and a melody.


Picture for song 'Inner Space' by artist 'Ambient Magic'

Inner Space

This tune is a themed piece creating using multi layered effects from the guitar synth


Picture for song 'It comes' by artist 'Ambient Magic'

It comes

This tune is a short is an arpeggio based guitar sequence with some added effects from the guitar synth. It gives the tune a sense of coming forboding


Picture for song 'minor mood' by artist 'Ambient Magic'

minor mood

This is a solo guitar sequence overlaid with a rich synth tone.


This album is a collection of ambient instrumentals. I used a guitar synth to generate many of the effects on the tunes in this collection. I'm genuinely pleased with the results I achieved for this collection of tunes. It was an experiment to step out of the rock blues format I had becomes used to working with. I'm simply a working guitarist, my music is written primarily for the pleasure of doing so. But also with an eye to both promote and profit from my work. I recently moved into jazz guitar as a new area of exploration. Enjoy my music


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