Mobsta Myk of City Suspects

2 songs
107 plays
Picture for song 'Loose 1 Gain 3' by artist 'Mobsta Myk of City Suspects'

Loose 1 Gain 3

This song 'Loose 1 Gain 3' was written and co-produced by Mob$ta Myk. Engineered by Mr.Critical and produced by Mac N Ric. This song was released and copy written in 2014. The song is off the album 'Me,Mob$ta, & Myk' Street Tape 1.


Picture for song 'My Kind' by artist 'Mobsta Myk of City Suspects'

My Kind

This song 'My Kind' was written and co-produced by Mob$ta Myk. Engineered and produced by R-Dub at the Dub Shack. This song was released and copy written in 2014. The song is off the album 'Me,Mob$ta, & Myk' Street Tape 1.



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