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Danymaxx Beats

Danymaxx Beats

Here you will find instrumentals beats. styles: Rap, Trap, R&b, ElectroPop.

1 top 50
28 songs
79.0K plays
Picture for song '(Trap) No Future' by artist 'Danymaxx Beats'

(Trap) No Future

Contact, More infos, Excusive on my WEBSITE : danymaxx-beatsforsale.com. Lease (untagged):WAV $39.99 // MP3 $19.99 // WAV GOLD $99.99 (separated Tracks)
Picture for song '(Trap) Black Storm' by artist 'Danymaxx Beats'

(Trap) Black Storm

Contact, More infos, Excusive on my WEBSITE : danymaxx-beatsforsale.com. Lease (untagged):WAV $39.99 // MP3 $19.99 // WAV GOLD $99.99 (separated Tracks)
Picture for song '(Rap) The Game VS 50Cent' by artist 'Danymaxx Beats'

(Rap) The Game VS 50Cent

Contact, More infos, Excusive on my WEBSITE : danymaxx-beatsforsale.com. Lease (untagged):WAV $39.99 // MP3 $19.99 // WAV GOLD $99.99 (separated Tracks)
Picture for song '(R&B) Romance' by artist 'Danymaxx Beats'

(R&B) Romance

Contact, More infos, Excusive on my WEBSITE : danymaxx-beatsforsale.com. Lease (untagged):WAV $39.99 // MP3 $19.99 // WAV GOLD $99.99 (separated Tracks)
Picture for song '(Club Bangas) Arabindian Party' by artist 'Danymaxx Beats'

(Club Bangas) Arabindian Party

Contact, More infos, Excusive on my WEBSITE : danymaxx-beatsforsale.com. Lease (untagged):WAV $39.99 // MP3 $19.99 // WAV GOLD $99.99 (separated Tracks)
- Select 3 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE MP3 for $ 39.98 (2 + 1 free) - Select 3 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE WAV for $ 79.98 (2 + 1 free) - Select 3 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE WAV GOLD for $ 199.98 (2 + 1 free) More info,Discounts,Free beats on my WEBSITE - No voicetag - Credit due to " Danymaxx beats " - Can be resold by website - Quality Mp3 - No separated Tracks - unlimited youtube streams (No monetized) - no live performance - 1 support commercial use - Contract valid for 1 year - Distribution copies physical or digital (Cd, Lp, i-tune ) to 500 units - No radio broadcasting - No voicetag - Credit due to " Danymaxx beats " - Can be resold by website - Quality WAV - No separated Tracks - Limited youtube streams (monetizing allowed up to 1 000 000 views) - Earn up to $2,000 performing publicly - 1 support Commercial use - Contract valid for 1 year - Distribution copies physical or digital (Cd, Lp, i-tune ) to 3000 units - Radio broadcasting limited (for 1 radio station) - No voicetag - Credit due to " Danymaxx beats " - Can be resold by website - Quality WAV - Separated Tracks (on demand) - Limited youtube streams (monetizing allowed up to 1 000 000 views) - Earn up to $8,000 performing publicly - 3 supports Commercial use - Contract valid for 3 years - Distribution copies physical or digital (Cd, Lp, i-tune ) to 9 000 units - Radio broadcasting limited (for 3 radio stations) - No voicetag - Credit due to " Danymaxx beats " - Not resold by website - Quality WAV - Separated Tracks (on demand) - Monetized youtube streams (Unlimited views) - paid live performance (Unlimited) - support Commercial use (Unlimited) - Contract valid for 7 years (Unlimited) - Distribution copies physical or digital (Cd, Lp, i-tune ) Unlimited units - Radio play Unlimited Free downloads or $1 are only for Non-Profitable use, meaning only for demonstrational. You are not allowed to put the track on a mixtape, album, Tv, radio, Youtube... - Select 3 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE MP3 for $ 39.98 (2 + 1 free) - Select 8 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE MP3 for $ 99.95 (5 + 3 free) - Select 3 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE WAV for $ 79.98 (2 + 1 free) - Select 8 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE WAV for $ 199.95 (5 + 3 free) - Select 3 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE WAV GOLD for $ 199.98 (2 + 1 free) - Select 8 NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE WAV GOLD for $ 499.95 (5 + 3 free)
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