Von Skopick

Very few electric guitarists have the virtuosity to master classical baroque music. See Von Skopick's videos of live performances of Beethoven, Bach, & Mozart.

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1 songs
58.2K plays
Picture for song 'OVERTURE' by artist 'Von Skopick'
Band/artist history
12 years ago, Von Skopick began to unlock the secrets of the classic composers. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, Paganini, and Pachelbel had all been unheard of. Hours of transposing the sheet music written for violin, piano, or organ, and making charts to play it on electric guitar that fill volumes of notebooks. Memorizing all the notes, and not improvising to make his job easier took patience, and at least six hours of practice daily. The real study took place after his father passed away in 2013, and he chose to follow a style of music that never crossed his path in his youth. Working as a solo artist, without backing tracks, Von Skopick has finally felt his work polished enough to video live performances. Recording outdoors has it's drawbacks, such as overhead planes, barking dogs, and the ever present hiss of the locusts, that somehow manage to intensify with the music. Right now, watch all the videos, and use some decent speakers, who knows when we will convert them to simply audio MP3's. Von Skopick dreams of playing his borrowed masterpieces with a full orchestra someday.
Your musical influences
Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, Paganini, Pachelbel, and more.
What equipment do you use?
Gibson LesPaul Custom (SG), Marshall 100Watt Handwired Head and Full stack. Line 6 Amp.

Von Skopick

Bolingbrook, IL  Worldwide

Classical Baroque

id: 1373986


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