Brent Freeman Blair

Comments 89
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Jan 02, 2008
Brent, Happy new year..........hope you are enjoying 2008. Keep in touch with me JOHN PAUL
Jun 16, 2007
Hi Brent, coming again to listen your tunes. Very pleasant music. Any new tunes? Take care, Art V.
May 15, 2007
Brent, Just wanted 2 let u know that I have updated my site along with songs from SUPER SYNTHFEVER SYNDROME-my new cd........what have u been up 2? JOHN PAUL
david bethune
Mar 30, 2007
Jul 27, 2007
Brent, Just stopped by to say "hey". I'm still listening to your music. It remains "inspirational" because it's soooo.. good! Are you working on any newer stuff? Hope so! You're a great talent! Take care!
Feb 20, 2007
Really enjoying your song, "A Thousand Miles". Very nice work. Best Wishes, Shelly
Mark Ellis
Dec 15, 2006
Hi Brent... Just noticed that you are here, so just passing by and listening to Breakdown... Fab tune, great guitar wok and nicely sung etc.. Anyway just thought I would say hi, and as it's getting close to Christmas... Have a good one!!!
Nov 07, 2006
Hi Brent, Your music continues to impress me. Nice vocals and very well put together songs. Excellent. Al H
Nov 01, 2006
Brent, This is a follow-up message from the one I wrote you months ago.................I just got done listening to all your tunes this time and I even added something of yours to my personal station!! You have the kind of voice that can cover almost any song and make it sincere. I want to thank you for listening to my music as well--you also left a very nice message to me. How's the material coming along that you're working on now?? Talk again, JOHN PAUL
Tam Macs Giants
Oct 26, 2006
Hi Brent, Thanks for your last message,sorry i've been away for a while working on new songs.hope you are still making your great music. Just to let you know I am asking all my SC friends to help me with a song competition I am In, that ends this week ! If you can spare a minute to play my song [Does it Really Matter] It's doing very well and a few more plays should win it for me. Please let me know if I can help you with anything now or in the future,if you would like to play the song, please go to this music site. I really appreciate it Tam..
Sep 02, 2006
Hey brent I was just wondering if when you had a min, you could give a look at my first attempt at making a video.. It's for my song "life is "life".. it's on youtube, under "rjchoice life is life video".. but I have a link posted in the forums.. thanks
Tam Macs Giants
Aug 30, 2006
Hi Brent 'Desperate Days' is a fine song, very modern sound also well produced, great voice man!!! you'r a pro !!.We have a song called 'Your Life' it would be great if you have the time to check it out for a bit feedback. All the very best ..Tam & The Giants.
Cool Sea
Jun 19, 2006
Nice hooks on Desperate Days, added to station. Great voice, real fresh. Beep, Beep
Jun 17, 2006
update: I've finished "Sunday morning" If your interested in how it turned out.. I've added a baseline and a 2nd verse ...+ a pseudo bridge p.s let me know when you drop a new tune pz -Rob
Jun 14, 2006
Thanks Brent!!, Man your comment on Sunday morning is really appreciated, esp. coming from an artist of your calibur....I listen to and value many styles of music, but it helps to have encouragement when venturing into less familiar waters, Your sound..what can I say ...Inspiring as always P.S. I feel you, on your publishing co. venture, I'm actually working along those same lines, and am in the pipeline for song/project submissions...We should talk biz sometime. thanks again. Rob-
Jun 07, 2006
Soulful sound in a deep arrangement. Enjoyed the acoustic textures great vox too :-)
Jun 04, 2006
Hi Brent Popped back to have another listen - Breakdown is great love the solo at 1min - great guitar sound also wanted to let you know I have a new song (you wear me out) love to know what you think
May 27, 2006
Brent... coming from such a superb songwriter as yourself, who I admire a lot, your lovely comment on my board about "He couldn't" is greatly valued. Thanks so much. Carol.
May 25, 2006
What's good with you Brent?...I'm still enjoying your music. especially when I'm reading. I've got to say "thousand miles" is one of my favorites. I'm still learning my way around SC...trying to figure out the best way to promote here. any suggestions ?
May 21, 2006
Hi Brent, Just listening again to your songs. They really are superb, and man, with songs like "I must fly" you should be signed! (cool website as well) Much luck, Carol.