Nineteen year old Schizophrenic bringing a new form of passion to Hip Hop.

Mykell - Once Prod by Aye K.O.

Mykell - Gods Prod by Xavior Jordan

Mykell - Herb Prod by Taylor King

Mykell - Mach One Prod by Jacob Lethal

Mykell - 19 Prod by Jacob Lethal
Mykell is the character of nineteen year old schizophrenic Dyllon Maddox. Born in Fort Worth, Texas Mykell then moved to Dixon, MO where he went through living in a meth lab, drug dealing, cops raiding, mother going to prison and rehab, and being moved to Chicago to live with his Aunt and Uncle all before he was six. Mykells life improved yes but many dark things happen in life and he puts the things that have happened to him, the things he hears with the voices in his head, the things he hallucinates and sees, into his art. He is in a low income house hold and plans to start many business' once his music takes flight. He has a clothing line brand called New King fully planned, a mix of ancient Egyptian high fashion and urban street wear. He also plans to start a recording company in his home town called MYK (Make Yours Known) above a planned re-sell store for street fashion, thus finally bringing the urban movement to central Missouri and more of the Midwest.
Band/artist history
See Bio
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Performing live is a passion of mine. Theres nothing like bringing energy to a crowd and watching people vibe to your art.
Your musical influences
Any new school artist. Ive had all my fazes like everyone else. The good, the bad, but I have absorbed all of it and mix it into my music
What equipment do you use?
Presonuse USB Audiobox and MUSYSIC PA system
Anything else?
I love music. Its a passion.
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