Guillermo Ambrose

25 top 50
32 songs
5.4K plays
Picture for song 'O, Que Sera' by artist 'Guillermo Ambrose'

O, Que Sera

I first heard this song while watching the movie Dona Flor y Los Dos Maridos years ago, and I thought it was one of the greatest songs I had ever heard. Still do.

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Volare' by artist 'Guillermo Ambrose'


I have a strange identification with this song. For one thing, it was written in 1957, the year I was born. And I had a wonderful recurring dream throughout my childhood in which I could fly. I was always disappointed to awaken.

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Azucar de Cana' by artist 'Guillermo Ambrose'

Azucar de Cana

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Queixa' by artist 'Guillermo Ambrose'
Picture for song 'San Vicente' by artist 'Guillermo Ambrose'


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