Dustin Beyette

CDs that are marked with "Dustin Beyette" are instrumental songs that don't have any words and instead focus on rich instrumentation, moods, and expressing thou

32 songs
318 plays
Picture for song 'Anger from the West' by artist 'Dustin Beyette'

Anger from the West

Instrumental song from the upcoming release "New Sounds for New Grounds" by Dustin Beyette. For more info about the record check out: http://beyette.wikia.com/wiki/New_Sounds_for_New_Grounds


Picture for song 'Alone in the Woods' by artist 'Dustin Beyette'

Alone in the Woods

The 7th song on the official score for "Chances", a 2012 feature film produced by the Sanford Film Club, to hear the rest go to http://dustinbeyette.bandcamp.com/album/chances-original-motion-picture-score


Picture for song 'Automated' by artist 'Dustin Beyette'


The 9th song on the remaster of "Textures - Hard", an instrumental album by Dustin Beyette. To hear and/or buy the rest of "Textures - Hard" go to http://dustinbeyette.bandcamp.com/album/textures-disc-2-hard-2014-remaster


Picture for song 'Calm' by artist 'Dustin Beyette'


The 17th song on the remaster of "Textures - Soft", an instrumental album by Dustin Beyette. To hear and/or buy the rest of "Textures - Soft" go to http://dustinbeyette.bandcamp.com/album/textures-disc-1-soft-2014-remaster


Picture for song 'Cavalier' by artist 'Dustin Beyette'


The 18th song on the remaster of "Digitally Delicious", an instrumental album by Dustin Beyette. To hear and/or buy the rest of "Digitally Delicious" go to http://dustinbeyette.bandcamp.com/album/digitally-delicious-2014-remaster


Le Tah
Dustin Beyette was born June 8th 1983. That's Dustin Beyette the person. However, "Dustin Beyette" was the creator of "E Tahe V Oletah ", "Editation ", "Noitatide ", "Digitally Delicious ", "Rugged " and "Textures ". CDs that are marked with "Dustin Beyette" are instrumental songs that don't have any words and instead focus on rich instrumentation, moods, and expressing thoughts and events and concepts without the use of accompanied lyrics. They are short cinematic movies with your eyes closed and your mind occupied and stimulated. Projects marked as "Dustin Beyette" are of this nature. On "Dustin Beyette" records the "genre " is often different from track to track. As such is the case with "E Tahe V Oletah ", "Editation " and "Noitatide ". On the contrary, "Textures ", "Rugged " and "Digitally Delicious " are more genre and mood-specific. It's much like an organized shuffle playlist that is carefully picked out as a pre-set experience from beginning to end.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I love playing live but it is very expensive. I can't stand working people for free as the guilt stacks up internally in me no matter how nice they are, but also it tends to make people unreliable. Dustin Beyette songs if anyone wanted to see them live would be performed by a small orchestra of maybe 12 or less players, in order to not distort the original sound too much.
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