Ayee Mystik
Ayee Mystik once was known as The Mystik starting back in 2004.
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Been In Luv
2024 MYSTIK ON THE BEAT. RSIII. Original written lyrics by Ayee Mystik.

Sum Lyrics
2024 MYSTIK ON THE BEAT Created July 24, 2024; Lyrics Added July 31, 2024. A Quick flow of words quickly typed on my phone.

Tongue Play
A follow up track after making Freaky Shxt. 2024 MYSTIK ON THE BEAT. RSIII

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Ayee Mystik - Tongue Play (Audio + Lyrics)
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Born in Jackson, Mississippi, raised in Starkville, Mississippi. Ayee Mystik once was known as The Mystik starting back in 2004. Since then, Ayee Mystik has won 3rd place for the Delta Sigma Theta Talent Search at Miss. State in 2009 with homie Gen N Juice. Both performed at Miss. State's Barnes & Noble Open Mic Nites as well as in the Colvard Union's Dawg House Open Mic Nites. 2010, Ayee Mystik moved to Tupelo, Mississippi and released the Relievuhh Session I Mixtape in 2011. 2013, Ayee Mystik released the Freakshow Mixtape and the Abrakadabra: Poof Mixtape as well as performing at TJ's Sports Bar & Grill in the group, Royul Empyre (AC$ Money, Royul D$ Money, Royul Keemo, Jazzii Juiice & JP) with a group from Baldwyn, Mississippi by the name of S.O.S. (Smash On Sight). Ayee Mystik has created over 100+ instrumentals and recorded over 50 songs. Don't forget to mention, Ayee mixes and edits videos too.
Relievuhh Session I (2011)
Relievuhh Session II (2012)
Freakshow (2013)
Abrakadabra: Poof (2013)
Zzzz.... (2015)
Who Is The Mystik (2018)
HiJackin Beatz & Dreamzzz (2020)
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Starkville, Mississippi; Tupelo, Mississippi.
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