Michael Dice
Michael Dice is the true definition of an Unique Artist. Dice fell in love with Hip Hop a long time ago and at the age of 12, he chose to make it a career. Dice

Dice kills this song explaining how he just wants the Limlight and it is his time to shine bright
Hello World, My name Michael Dice aka Dice Double. I am a Hip Hop artist who is very talented at what I do. I put my heart in soul into my music. I come from York City, Pennsylvania and was dealt a bad hand. But through all the trials and tribulations, I still stayed true to my music. Hip Hop has saved my life and is my life. I thank god for the talent that was given to me. My music is one of kind because I am a Unique Artist. I take my music very serious and plan to be successful on the business side. I am a Young Artist and also an entrepreneur. I hope the world loves my music and makes the world a better place. Thank You.
Band/artist history
I was born in 1990, which means I fell straight in love with 90s Hip Hop music. Since I first was able to understand and speak, I was reciting Hip Hop lyrics. I could sing a song from beginning to end. My family always played Hip Hop and R&B and was amazed how I could perform. By the age of 12, I chose to make Hip Hop my career. I was too talented not go forward with this art. Since then I released 3 mixtapes by myself, performed at numerous places, did a song with 2 major artist, sold plenty of copies, and perfected my craft. Now as adult, I learned more about the business, and got better. I am a legend in the making.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I performed live at plenty places. I have performed all around Pennsylvania. New York is the furthest I've Performed. My best special moment is performing at York High's Pep Rally. That was history to perform in my hometowns York High School gym. I always put my all into my live performances.
Your musical influences
Struggle is my main musical influence. Seeing how the bottom feels motivates me to make better music to become successful. Michael Jackson, Jay-Z, and Frank Sinatra is who I am Musically influenced by.
What equipment do you use?
I use a Microphone. I am a lyricist and I just put my all into the Microphone. I record in professional studios and my main job is to kill the microphone.
Anything else?
Follow Michael Dice. Listen to Michael Dice, and Respect Michael Dice. I am a hard working artist who puts my Heart and Soul into this music. You are about to witness greatness.
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