2 songs
28 plays
Picture for song ''Swordcraft Healing Chant'' by artist 'Hex DDG'

'Swordcraft Healing Chant'

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Hex DDG - Social Amnesia (DEMO)' by artist 'Hex DDG'

Hex DDG - Social Amnesia (DEMO)

Written as a means of throwing off a fit of depression, by reminding myself of the kid that my flatmate has in the house, and how he will still see me as a role model, and I shouldn't let him see me give up. (Hook is not yet done, but it's a demo.)

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'In the Shadows' by artist 'Hex DDG'

In the Shadows

Started off at Line 1 with a track about racism in mind, and it sort of morphed into being more about anyone that people tend to gloss over and ignore in life.

Hip Hop General


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