
Zeolite is an Australian Metal band. Currently in the process of rehearsal and songwriting. https://www.facebook.com/#!/zeoliteofficial

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3 songs
391 plays
Picture for song '4:45' by artist 'Zeolite'
Picture for song '"Unrequited" (demo)' by artist 'Zeolite'

"Unrequited" (demo)

This sample is based on a few riffs I've been playing with lately, definitely not a finished product, with a bit more work a full version will come.

Progressive Metal

Picture for song '4:45 Instrumental Demo' by artist 'Zeolite'

4:45 Instrumental Demo

The first official full track from Zeolite.

Progressive Metal

Zeolite is a self produced Australian metal band, from Launceston, Tasmania. The bands inception began in late 2012, with the beginning of the songwriting process, and has progressed from a simple idea, to the shared musical vision of its four members. Currently rolling with the songwriting a rehearsal process, Zeolite aims to compose music to both challenge, inspire, and initiate volatility. We will be releasing more music soon..... Fraser - Vocals Lucas - Bass Jim - Drums Patrick - Guitars Follow on Instagram: @phaasman Free downloads of all of our music @: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=1314838 OR https://soundcloud.com/zeoliteofficial http://www.youtube.com/user/ZeoliteOfficial
Your musical influences
Many and varied. It spans from very old influences, and anything that is exceptionally written, eg: Zeppelin, The Doors, ect, to almost every genre of metal, to experimental jazz. At the moment, I've been listening to a lot of The Contortionist, Monuments, and Within the Ruins.
What equipment do you use?
Schecter guitars, Ibanez guitars, Ibane/Warwick basses, and Line6 gear (PODHD 500 and UX1 namely).
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