Emory Caudill

2 top 1
18 top 50
20 songs
155K plays
Picture for song 'MY ROOM - Scratch track' by artist 'Emory Caudill'

MY ROOM - Scratch track

Emory Caudill Acoustic Guitar/ vocals, the late Anthony Kunz Bass, Dennis Meckel Lead

#21 in Indie Pop

Picture for song 'DEAD MANS JOURNEY' by artist 'Emory Caudill'


This obscure recording with the original 1990"s Testing Grounds. Emory Caudill vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Dennis Meckle leads The late Anthony Kunz Bass, Pat Antone Drums & backup vocals.

#20 in Christian Rock

Picture for song 'Bend' by artist 'Emory Caudill'


Emory Caudill vocals/acoustic, Pat Antone Drums, Rick Leo's lead. This is the first track of my catalog ever authorized for free download. Dedicated to Nikki a survivor. Unpublished scratch tracks for feedback.

Christian Rock No samples

Picture for song 'Testing Grounds no intro' by artist 'Emory Caudill'

Testing Grounds no intro

Caudill vocals/acoustic gtr, Pat Antone Drums bu vocals, Dennis Meckel lead gtr, Anthony Kunz Bass,

Rock General No samples

Picture for song 'IN GOD'S NAME' by artist 'Emory Caudill'


Emory Caudill vocals, acoustic guitar, The late Anthony Kunz Bass, Dennis Meckel Lead, Glen Campbell drummer Gary Burzzese.

Rock General No samples

Band/artist history
1990"s Original Testing Grounds, Singer, Songwriter, Ghost Writer, Old School Peaceful Advocate for many causes with successful outcomes. How did I get where I am now? I'm just Post C3-7 Neck fusion as of this writing: Speech therapy, memory loss, PTSD from from a headrest explosion July 7th 2023 just shutting the door. Published court opinion of expert witness reports with a force of around 120# and can be seen deploying on crash test dummy video nearly 3 times faster than an airbag. But FCA Chrysler claims their active head restraints (AHRs) have virtually Zero Chance of harming anyone. AdvocateWriter.com The other side of the story to where I'm at now is rehabilitation to get back into the studio. I'm blessed to have met a Neurosurgeon who gave me hope that I would sing again after surgery; she used specialized tools for singers and she was right. The first Neurosurgion I seen said after the ACDF fusion I would never sing again, it was crushing to hear. Well, as soon as I awoke to hearing her say I need to talk and I heard the tone and power of my speech I just knew I would sing, it was overwhelming. Despite some complications that resolved in the ICU, I did quite well. Just two weeks post-fusion, I sang for Dr. Simpson in her office. Where am I now? I'm on the path back into the studio with new aspirations.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Lots of memories performing, some good, great and not so much lol.


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