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Jeff Jenkins

Jeff Jenkins

Solo Mountain Dulcimer, Celtic Music, Old Time Fiddle Tunes

2 songs
3.6K plays
Picture for song 'Road to Lisdoonvarna' by artist 'Jeff Jenkins'

Road to Lisdoonvarna

Celtic Jig, Played on Solo Mountain Dulcimer
Mountain Dulcimer Player, I live near Little Rock AR. I have been playing with the Little Rock Irish Sessions since 1996. I have been playing the Mountain Dulcimer for 12 years. I play the Dulcimer in what is called a Chord/ Melody Style. I also have been working on the "old Timey Fiddle tunes, pre-1941 era. I love the haunting and quiet sounds of the dulcimer and hope you will enjoy too.
Band/artist history
I have been playing and performing for about 7 years , sometimes with a band, mostly solo. I have played with a bluegrass band,"Free Spirit" and as part of a trio " ON Track ". I have been competing in the Southern Regionals of the mountain dulcimer contest since 1993.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Gigs , so far , playing at Cabotfest and 2nd Place Cafe in Little Rock.Have had several gigs at "Sweet Perks Coffee House in Cabot. I play with sessions on Monday at various venues in Little Rock AR.
Your musical influences
My influences , Great Cletic bands , Altan, Lunasa. My background includes Rock and bluess , but am in love with Celtic and Irish music.
Anything else?
i love the sounds of pipes. Irish pipes. trying to get that sound into my playing.


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