Darmon's Firefly Tomb

Hi, my name is Daniel! I'm a guitar player from southern Italy interested in metal and acoustic guitar. I like recording instrumental acoustic music at home, tr

1 songs
37 plays
Picture for song 'Sea Sharp' by artist 'Darmon's Firefly Tomb'

Sea Sharp

A short acoustic instrumental, with various layers of guitar work and a touch of ambient lead melodies. One of my first recordings ever, and still a rough version. Decided to call it Sea Sharp because it was written in C# open tuning!

Acoustic Guitar

The purpose of this one-man project is for me to write acoustic/instrumental music which is related to the music that I play in my band (which is called Fireflies Tomb), but at the same time original in it's making. I have always been a fan of dreamy, metal instrumentals but also of solo acoustic artists, so I hope to somehow unite these two interests of mine to create something original!
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I play live with my band, but the purpose of this music is not to be played live.