Nervous Wretch

Noisey improved hardcore/sludge/grindcore/powerviolence/fastcore/thrashcore etc. with a d.i.y. attitutude from hell...

1 top 50
6 songs
245 plays
Picture for song '6.McMellen Mosh....mp3' by artist 'Nervous Wretch'

6.McMellen Mosh....mp3

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song '5.UTI Fridays....mp3' by artist 'Nervous Wretch'

5.UTI Fridays....mp3

Ridin dirty? or pissing razors??? you be the judge...

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song '4.Bust A Cap in Katey's Kat Boxxx....mp3' by artist 'Nervous Wretch'

4.Bust A Cap in Katey's Kat Boxxx....mp3

True story...

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song '3.False Start and Red Head Jenny Craig....mp3' by artist 'Nervous Wretch'

3.False Start and Red Head Jenny Craig....mp3

No one is impervious to the charms of hostess cream filling!...

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song '2.Kill Me(Life Sucks So Bad)....mp3' by artist 'Nervous Wretch'

2.Kill Me(Life Sucks So Bad)....mp3

Sludgier than yo mama's pussy...

Death/Black Metal


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