Raised in the Bay Area, Prahda Boi, everyday life experiences has been the source of fuel he needed to create the music he does. Prahda Boi can be considered an overall "Entertainer/Performer"
Spread the Relish -Prahda Boi ft Freejack & Capone
Raised in the Bay Area, Prahda Boi, everyday life experiences has been the source of fuel he needed to create the music he does. Prahda Boi can be considered an overall "Entertainer/Performer"
Raised in the Bay Area, Prahda Boi, everyday life experiences has been the source of fuel he needed to create the music he does. Prahda Boi can be considered an overall "Entertainer/Performer"
Raised in the Bay Area, Prahda Boi, everyday life experiences has been the source of fuel he needed to create the music he does. Prahda Boi can be considered an overall "Entertainer/Performer"
Raised in the Bay Area, Prahda Boi, everyday life experiences has been the source of fuel he needed to create the music he does. Prahda Boi can be considered an overall "Entertainer/Performer"