
Dark Metal,Doom Metal,Atmospheric Dark/Black Metal

3 top 1
20 top 50
29 songs
10.6K plays
Picture for song 'House of Flesh' by artist 'Corpselium'

House of Flesh

From the forthcoming album "Storm of Shadows"

Doom Metal

Picture for song 'Funeral Rain' by artist 'Corpselium'

Funeral Rain

From the new album "Ghost Roads" a free download at "Bandcamp"

Doom Metal

Picture for song 'To Curse an Enemy' by artist 'Corpselium'

To Curse an Enemy

Doom Metal

Picture for song 'Witches ladder' by artist 'Corpselium'

Witches ladder

A witches ladder is made from knotted cord or hair, braided with feathers, bones or other trinkets. Special chants are spoken during the creation process. At the tying of the last knot all the energy is directed into the cord and stored in the knots,

Doom Metal

Picture for song 'Charge of the dark God' by artist 'Corpselium'

Charge of the dark God

A skeleton from my past gives a glimpse into the future. Very much an "alternative" metal - twisted, strange & unusual.

Alternative Metal

Charge of the dark God
"The Black Book Grimoires" now released, a free download via Corpselium at Bandcamp
Band/artist history
Typhean Rage, Iron Clad, Twisted Trees, Skeletal Future, Corpselium
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Your musical influences
Experimental / alternative Doom metal, Medieval beliefs & magic, Haunted places.
What equipment do you use?
Laney amps, Behringer deepmind 12, PRS & Gibson guitars, Meris Polymoon, Stone deaf Tremotron, mooer triangle fuzz, electro harmonix triangle big muff, Mooer ocean machine
Anything else?
Love the Dark World of Metal.


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