Weeping Demon

Although drumming is my main thing, I've been playing at guitars and songwriting for many years. Have retired from the live scene recently so I've equipped myse

46 songs
2.3K plays
Picture for song 'Riddle Me This' by artist 'Weeping Demon'

Riddle Me This

Rock General

Picture for song 'Bloody Mary' by artist 'Weeping Demon'

Bloody Mary

Rock General

Picture for song 'Jack The Ripper' by artist 'Weeping Demon'

Jack The Ripper

Rock General

Picture for song 'Selling out & Cashing In (For Christmas).' by artist 'Weeping Demon'

Selling out & Cashing In (For Christmas).

Please wear headphones to hear the songs properly, otherwise its down to the quality of your speakers. Thanks

Rock General

Picture for song 'Hands To Yourself' by artist 'Weeping Demon'

Hands To Yourself

A Cover Of The Georgia Satellites Song.

Rock General

I've played in a few well established bands over the years, mostly as a drummer. In the last few years, I've been a lead vocal and guitarist in a couple of Rock bands. I've written lyrics/songs since i was a kid so its been fun to record some of those, along with a lot of my more recent compositions. All songs (except where stated) are written, performed and produced by me. I am a solo artist. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my music :-)
Band/artist history
See above.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Retired now but have loved and loathed it. The memories are all good, as was the adrenaline rush at the time :-)
Your musical influences
Rock influenced generally but have quite an eclectic taste. If it's good, the genre is irrelevant.
What equipment do you use?
Recently switched from multi track hardware to a DAW for the first time. I'm learning to use Reaper. I use a PRS SE22 Custom guitar or a self-built Parts caster I call Ghost, combined with a Line 6 HD500 multi effects pedalI. I have a Yamaha DTXplorer electronic drum kit, but usually put it through the Drumkit From Hell extension software with EZ Drummer from Toontrack. I also use a Yamaha keyboard . Everything you hear on my recordings is played by me. I don't use any virtual instruments. The only 'effects' I use are straight from the guitar pedal itself or the essentials effects needed on all vocals. For those, I use Vocal Finalizer from Noise Ash Studios.
Anything else?
Yeah... Have a listen? Thank you for taking the time to read this and I sincerely hope you enjoy listening to my music.


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