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Songs for any people who likes Life and Freedom. Four artists worked together to create this free style. pop,euro,rock,francophone,engage,ecologiste

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15 songs
62.4K plays
Picture for song 'Du bon temps (Brulard/Limeretz)' by artist 'SOHCAHTOA'

Du bon temps (Brulard/Limeretz)

An ideal world where people lives in harmony with Dame Nature. Backwords and samples:'Cheveux au vent' & 'John Dunbar'(Kevin Kosner's). movie'Danse avec les loups'). Lead voices: M Brulard/A Chassagnac. - Music: M Brulard & JH Limeretz
Picture for song 'C'est pas sorcier (Brulard M./Limeretz H.)' by artist 'SOHCAHTOA'

C'est pas sorcier (Brulard M./Limeretz H.)

C'est une histoire de pouvoirs rien a voir avec nos grands magiciens noirs (suivez mon regard).
Picture for song 'Discours de La Boetie (music M Brulard/JHLimeretz)' by artist 'SOHCAHTOA'

Discours de La Boetie (music M Brulard/JHLimeretz)

Extrait du "Discours de la servitude volontaire"(1548) d'Etienne de La Boetie. Chant: Alexandre CHASSAGNAC. Une nappe spatio-temporelle servant a vehiculer ces mots jusqu'a leur extreme actualite... Arrangements Limeretz JH, guitares Bigot JM.
Picture for song 'Laisse faire la nature (Brulard M./Limeretz H.)' by artist 'SOHCAHTOA'

Laisse faire la nature (Brulard M./Limeretz H.)

Tous les systeme vivants cooperent en vue de conserver l'harmonie de l'ecosphere: c'est 'l'homeotelie'. Souffle, la nature connait la route. Beautiful guitar solo(JM BIGOT)in the second part of the song. Chant Brulard M. - Arrangements Limeretz JH.
Picture for song 'On peut rever (Brulard M./Limeretz H.)' by artist 'SOHCAHTOA'

On peut rever (Brulard M./Limeretz H.)

Tribute to pacific resistance of Tibetan People and to Dalai Lama's pacific mind, prayer for any oppressed People included Chineese. Hommage a la resistance pacifique du peuple Tibetain et a l'esprit pacifique du Dalai Lama, presque une priere ...
S.O.H.C.A.H.T.O.A: memo to remember Pythagore's theorem: a new way of interactions between music and school. Many kids can remember entire songs, so it is a way to associate art and school ... and remember mathematics as well as music.
Band/artist history
Herve & Martine made all songs together. Martine wrote lyrics. Ils ont rencontré Exdy (Alexandre Chassagnac)dans un concours d'artistes createurs, auteurs-compositeurs-interpretes. Martine vient de chanter "PARLER A UN ANGE", Alex lui déclare qu'il veut l'interpreter: "Quelle chanson! il me la faut!" Resultat: il en chante 12, certaines en duo. - Female lead vocal, lyrics & songs : Martine BRULARD - CASTRA & Lead vocals : Alexandre CHASSAGNAC (EXDY) Herve likes his medium rocky voice, perfect for the songs of Martine who sings rather softly. However he can sing so much hight, he is able to sound like "La Callas" ! Listen to the end of "PARLER A UN ANGE", end of the bridge in "Nucleaire"(like a siren).The most is this adaptation medley of "LETTRE A ELISE"&"MARCHE TURQUE"( (L.W.Beethoven,W.A. Mozart): # 1 Opera Chart for 6 months,May 1rst 2006. A. Chassagnac: LETTRE A ELISE/MARCHE TURQUE Alexandre Chassagnac : 2008 tournée au Quebec avec le plateau "JUSTE POUR RIRE", interpretation de sa version de "LETTRE a ELISE & MARCHE TURQUE". (adaptation techno Jean Hervé LIMERETZ) DjHLimtz SKYBLOG(en français)
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We did perform in the area but our lead singer was engaged in ONU troops and might split. If anybody searching for musical stuff to produce a Pop-Rock Opera, please leave a suggestion in the mail-box :)
Your musical influences
Eclectic ...
What equipment do you use?
Karma KORG,Morpheus EMU,X5DR KORG,D70 Roland,OBX Oberheim,S900 FATAR master Keyboard.D12 KORG dig recorder, mastering & remix Dig Performer DP5.
Anything else?
L'etre humain veut du bon temps,mais il se croit plus intelligent que la nature,pauvre bete! Incapable d'utiliser plus que 10% de sa matiere grise,il fait confiance aux tyrans qui l'exploitent,leur fournit toute son energie pour fabriquer des engins de destruction massive, privant ainsi les 2/3 de l'humanite de la liberte,du libre arbitre,de la culture de ses racines. Soyons optimistes,c'est tout ce qu'il reste a faire. Definitions: -pessimiste=imbecile malheureux -optimiste=imbecile, mais heureux


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