Element 115 Studios

Find us at www.facebook.com/element115studios also on twitter and soundcloud: Element 115 Studios

40 songs
12.1K plays
Picture for song 'Plad C xx Block Party' by artist 'Element 115 Studios'

Plad C xx Block Party

"Block Party" Instrumental Beat from Plad C contact Element115Studios@gmail.com for usage information.

Beats General

Picture for song 'Plad C xx Bass Pusher' by artist 'Element 115 Studios'

Plad C xx Bass Pusher

contact Element115Studios@gmail.com for usage information. http://www.Facebook.com/Element115Studios http://www.Youtube.com/Element115Studios http://www.Twitter.com/DjPladC http://www.Soundcloud.com/Element115Studios

Beats General

Picture for song 'Plad C xx Victory Day' by artist 'Element 115 Studios'

Plad C xx Victory Day

Free for all non-commercial uses. 20 USD Lease/ 100 USD Exclusive www.facebook.com/Element115Studios www.youtube.com/Element115Studios www.soundcloud.com/Element115Studios www.Twitter.com/DjPladC www.Twitter.com/Element115Studi

Beats General

Picture for song 'Plad C xx 2 Hard 4 U' by artist 'Element 115 Studios'

Plad C xx 2 Hard 4 U

20/100 US Lease/Exclusive Element115Studios@gmail.com for more info

Beats General

Picture for song 'Plad C xx High Hopes' by artist 'Element 115 Studios'

Plad C xx High Hopes

Starting at 20 Lease 100 Exclusive Element115Studios@gmail.com http://www.SoundCloud.com/Element115Studios http://www.facebook.com/Element115Studios http://www.twitter.com/DjPladC http://www.twitter.com/Element115Studi

Beats General

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