Electronic (Harsh EBM / Aggrotech) one-man band, active since 2010. CEASED TO EXIST IN LATE 2013 TO APPEAR WITH THE NEW NAME. Very soon.

Nichego Svyatogo (Nothing Sacred) (Demo)

Avoid Optional Details (Pre - Release Edition)
"Avoid Optional Details" (rus. "Vozderzhites' ot nenuzhnih podrobnostei")/ Terniye's style-kike track. Raw mix. To be remastered for my 1st DIY EP in the nearest future.

Plan Devyat'(Melhior Industrial Remix)
A remix of Terniye's "Plan Devyat" by MELHIORINDUSTRIAL aggrotech project
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One-man aggrotech/harsh EBM project founded in late 2010. CEASED TO EXIST IN LATE 2013 TO APPEAR WITH THE NEW NAME. Very soon.
Band/artist history
November 2010: founded
October 2011: participated with the 'Plan Devyat' song in the GENERATION.torrent 4 contest
May 2012: Terniye's track 'Pepelnym Dvukryliyem' published in the Rivetzone Spring compilation (web release:
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4058968, #14)
December 2012: Terniye's track 'Vozderzhites...' published in the 'Zombi Syndrome' web compilation (ZRDE net label:
http://www.discogs.com/Various-Zombi-Syndrome-Vol1/release/4131547, #8)
May 2013: Terniye's track 'Aspid Vozdast (GT Edition)' wins the GENERATION.torrent V contest ('Dark Electro & EBM' nomination)
September 2013: I refused to continue working with the ZRDE net label and plan to make a self-release EP.
December 2013. THE BAND IS DONE TO BE RENAMED!!!!!!!!
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Not yet, except a show at a kinda "trash fest" at my friend's =)
Your musical influences
Funker Vogt, YelworC, E-Craft, Suicide Commando, Virtual Embrace, Agonoize, Life Cried, Accessory, Nurzery [Rhymes], Die Sektor (1st and 2nd releases), Altera Forma (Russia), BIO/Biokonstruktor (USSR/Russia), Tekhnologiya (USSR/Russia), Melhior[Industrial] (Russia), DTFN (Russia), Yazoo, And One, Ashbury Heights... and some others
What equipment do you use?
Waldorf Rocket desktop, CME, Asus, Cubase, Podium, VSTi (TAL, Arturia), Sennheiser Evolution, Voicetone Helicon
Anything else?
Stay sincere to yourselves and be gods for youselves.
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