Antonio So Dope

Destiny awaits I guess God Had it written....

62 songs
516 plays
Picture for song 'They All Said (6Mix)' by artist 'Antonio So Dope'

They All Said (6Mix)

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Twenty (Produced By @Timothyinfinite)' by artist 'Antonio So Dope'

Twenty (Produced By @Timothyinfinite)

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Range Rover Classic' by artist 'Antonio So Dope'

Range Rover Classic

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Outta Nothin' by artist 'Antonio So Dope'

Outta Nothin

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Carpe Diem' by artist 'Antonio So Dope'
I started out in 1993 in Cincinnati when I was eight. Rapping and producing song for my self and my friends. A beat machine and a Casio tape recorder from radio shack rapping in a cold basement day in and day out. I take this gift god gave me very seriously. I was the in-house producer/ artist for a Cincinnati label called beat me up records from 2003-2010. Within that span, I produced over a thousand songs (some of what you hear on the beat em presents tone and polo page). The labels 2006 independent movie fish I had a small role in and produced the movie score and soundtrack. I felt like I ran into a glass ceiling far as being creative with this label but loyalty was worth moreso I thought. Sold countless dreams and portraying an image that was sub par to who I am I started to re-evaluate. Disloyalty and hidden agendas I decided to sever ties. As of 2010, I am on my own as a free agent and these past few years I would say I grew a whole lot musically and personally. I moved to Atlanta to spread my wings professionally and personally. I see myself reaching endless proportions for the reason imp chasing my passion. Moreover, not what my passion could bring. My ultimate goal is to become a major for in the entertainment industry. I have got the work ethic, the product, the answer to the demand, and last but not least, the swag.
Band/artist history
Active 1993-present. 1993-2000 part of the group Royal Players 2000-present part of the duo Tone & Polo (whenever we get together I guess) 2003-2010 with record label beat em up records (producer/artist) 2010-present a free agent and solo artist/producer
Have you performed in front of an audience?
YES!!! any chance i get i play live. and anywhere... living out my dreams is one big special moment that never ends...
Your musical influences
I have many musical influences, The Notorious B.I.G, 2Pac, a lot of old 80s-90s artist. Jay-Z on how he went from Reasonable Doubt to this mogul. T.I his drive and perseverance. Things I go through (I have been through a lot). Sound crazy but colors influence the music I make (I have not figured that one out yet).
What equipment do you use?
cincinnati (our hometown) & Atlanta (my second home, the Westside)
Anything else?
Follow me on twitter @setthetoneonem and hopefully we meet at the top! soundcloud @setthetoneonem instagram setthetoneonem
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