Death Morgue Unit
Power Electronics Noise project of the member of Goethia Orator, in the better old school 80's and 90's band's style!

Ravishmorder 11

Ravishmorder 10

Ravishmorder 9 Tape version
A single released together Goethia Orator in promo tame - splited later!

Ravishmorder 9

Ravishmorder 8
Show all (49)
in 2012, after the 1st decade of the creation of Goethia Orator, the main artist Mozambique Drill was unsatisfied with the Power Electronics scene. The artists have all been missed and simply few ones are still alive in some specific places. As Goethia Orator started being influenced by these old school noises, he decided to make a work in the old school PE style, lyricaly and musicaly.
With a not common sound, Power Electronics is not for everybody, few people can understand and don't feel disturbed with the sound and voices, full of power and distortion. All musics are intense and with a specific atmosphere that takes all the ambient. That's the Power Electronics!
Band/artist history
In 2012, the member of Goethia Orator have decided to use his equipment to start a peoject in the old school power electronics. As the artists have been missed and the contact with the scene have been lost, Mozambique Drill back with his old tape record label called Slaughter Factory, but now with a better production as being allied with Mortician Graphic Studios. The first record was 2 untitled songs under the name of Body Bag Balaclava, but than Mozambique Drill decided to change it's name and release under Death Morgue Unit, reminding three projects that are great musical influences, Atrax Morgue and Brighter Death Now and Survival Unit, being a mix of 80's ideologies in music and sounding similar of them, like Whitehouse, Sutcliffe Jugend, Brighter Death Now, White Hospital, Atrax Morgue, etc. In 2013 finished the first record called "Ravishmorder", as soon MD recorded "Motor Accident Report" and also, collecting old GO songs from 2002 to 2005, when first was harsh noise old school works.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I played live 6 times at live studio with some drunkards and it was noisy. 2 times opened to crazy guys.
- Recording of Our Leader is Dead was live in P.K. Studio.
- Femina Dominus Est recorded live the "Tribute to Christine Young" 2 hours tape at Slaughter Studios.
- Wird Samekh.
Your musical influences
Whitehouse, Sutcliffe Jugend, Ramleh, White Hospital, Atrax Morgue, Club Moral, Morder Machine, The Sodality, Kranivm, Brighter Death Now, Sshe Retina Stimulantis, Korpses Katatonik, Gas Chamber Renaissance, Stress Orphan, The Vomit Arsonist, Genoceide Lolita, Ultra, Mutant Ape, Merzbow, Nurse With Wound, John Zewizz, Marco Corbelli, Boyd Rice, Robert Turman, Maurizio Bianchi, Maria Zerfall, Throbbing Gristle, NON, Pervas Nefandum, Isolrubin BK, Blood ov thee Christ, The Rita, Black Leather Jesus, Genocide Organ, Children in Gas Masks, The Grey Wolves, Death Pact International, Legion Condor, Operation Cleansweep, Bizarre Uproar, Deathkey, Purient, Rosemary Malign, Maria Zerfall, Anna Gardeck, Gaya Donadio, Andrea Cernotto, Survival Unit, Nicole 12, Control Resistance, Final Solution, Green Army Fraction, Mauthausen Orchestra, The Haters, Un-Komunikat, Climax Denial, Republic, Taint, S.T.A.B. Electronics, Slogun, Deutsch Nepal, MZ 412, Folkstorm, ...Today, I'm Dead, Rasion d'etre, Con-Dom, Brethrem, Haus Arafna, Quell, Revolutionary Command, Organized Resistance, Anenzephalia, Coma Detox, Etat Brut, Veprisuicida, Linja Mass, Hiller (1963), Luigi Russolo (1921), Velimir Khlebnikov (1921), Arseny Avraamov (1920's), Nikolai Voinov (1930's) and uncountless power electronics music!
What equipment do you use?
Softwares, Bass, Pedals, Microphones and screams!
Anything else?
Music must be alive always! Don't let the power electronics be missed...
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