Bengi Bands Hampton

Band man on the beats

2 top 50
168 songs
3.6K plays
Picture for song 'kush man where you at $20 404-829-5551' by artist 'Bengi Bands Hampton'

kush man where you at $20 404-829-5551

$20 Beats all rights included 678-829-5551

Beats General

Picture for song 'hustle hard then we get more $20 404-829-5551' by artist 'Bengi Bands Hampton'

hustle hard then we get more $20 404-829-5551

$20 Beats all rights included 678-829-5551

Beats General

Picture for song 'everthing aint ment for everybody $20 404-829-5551' by artist 'Bengi Bands Hampton'

everthing aint ment for everybody $20 404-829-5551

$20 Beats all rights included 678-829-5551

Beats General

Picture for song 'just another one i know $20 404-829-5551' by artist 'Bengi Bands Hampton'

just another one i know $20 404-829-5551

$20 Beats all rights included 678-829-5551

Beats General

Picture for song 'thats the way to get the money $20 404-829-5551' by artist 'Bengi Bands Hampton'

thats the way to get the money $20 404-829-5551

$20 Beats all rights included 678-829-5551

Beats General

My style emanates from the youth. I like to mix up tempos and merge genres. When I go into a session, I never really know what Im going to make. The vibes change. I have to live life to make music, so I assess whats going on in my life before I make anything. Do I want to make peaceful, serene music? Do I want to make something more lively and chaotic? I think I have the ability to make any kind of track I want, so I like to use that to my advantage
Band/artist history
I actually started because my brother used to make music for a rap group out of Savannah Georgia called critical condition I picked up game from there then my mom moved back to Atlanta and I put together a small studio in the basement and I been making music every since then
Have you performed in front of an audience?
My first show was actually a dj job I had no idea what I was doing so I was some bit of nervous but overall the show was a success
Your musical influences
all music influence me no matter what the genre because you can learn from every thing
What equipment do you use?
My computer mostly fl studio software and pro tools when recording
Anything else?
you can contact me or if your really interested in one of my instrumentals I can be contacted on facebook @ Jack quartez frost or my twitter @tay2long Or by phone :4704525863
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