Ivy Rose R

My music is the New World Music, Neo Tech Music that I have created and produced for you. I am a solo artist and producer of many genres and style.

105 top 50
398 songs
23.8K plays
Picture for song 'The One Ypu Love (Soliloquy 2024' by artist 'Ivy Rose R'

The One Ypu Love (Soliloquy 2024

#15 in Soul

Picture for song 'Just For Awhile (Look Around 2024)' by artist 'Ivy Rose R'

Just For Awhile (Look Around 2024)


Picture for song 'Down Easy (This Year 1024)' by artist 'Ivy Rose R'

Down Easy (This Year 1024)


Picture for song 'What Will My Billy Say (Happiness)' by artist 'Ivy Rose R'

What Will My Billy Say (Happiness)


Picture for song 'Rhapsody and Custody ( Water 24 Rev.)' by artist 'Ivy Rose R'

Rhapsody and Custody ( Water 24 Rev.)


Email me at longripton@gmail.com with any special feedback. Will love to hear from you.
Band/artist history
I have been singing since I was five years old, and have been writing and singing since College, although I missed out for a few years to work with needy children. I started again a few years ago. To date, I have written and produced over 260 songs of many Genres.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Some years ago. I have since moved away from that to concentrate more on Songwriting and Producing.
Your musical influences
Johnny Mathis, Rod Stewart, Madonna, Donna Summer, Gloria Estefan.
What equipment do you use?
Anything else?
I produce music of many genres, with very unique lyrics, to match every taste and every situation. am a solo artist. My music is different from all others that you are accustomed to hearing. Try it.


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