6 Pack Guru

6 top 50
14 songs
4.2K plays
Picture for song 'Stars - Les Miserables' by artist '6 Pack Guru'

Stars - Les Miserables

Fooling around with some musical midi files. Gave Stars a shot from Les Miserables the musical. Very rusty...


Picture for song 'Don't Change' by artist '6 Pack Guru'

Don't Change

INXS Cover - Trial Run Music by Ricky Layne Vocals by... Me

Rock General

Picture for song 'Moonlighting Heroes' by artist '6 Pack Guru'

Moonlighting Heroes

Rock General

Picture for song 'All Saints Day' by artist '6 Pack Guru'

All Saints Day

Final Version

Rock General

Picture for song 'Impulse' by artist '6 Pack Guru'


Getting close to a final mix maybe. Guitar solo added by Jimmy D. Made changes based on reviews. Need advice on getting the hard screaming voice in the mix...

Rock General

6 Pack Guru is a song writing project. As songs are worked on and reviewed they will exist in various forms on this page. Feel free to comment and chime in as songs progress!
Band/artist history
Just me... this single person... expressing himself... with a 6 pack of beer... sometimes...
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I do play live with another band that I am in. I have played large arena side stages, Casino's, and smokey corner bars. No matter the situation I love when I can feed off of the crowds energy and go crazy! 6 Pack Guru might see some live performances, however there aren't any immediate plans on that front.
Your musical influences
Beatles, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Tom Petty, Rush, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Foo Fighters, Counting Crows, etc
What equipment do you use?
Les Paul, Pro Tools, Fender P-Bass, Steinberger Bass, etc...

6 Pack Guru

St. Louis, MO  USA

Rock Rock General

id: 1208363


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