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Don't Cry for Da Hatters After Dark NappTIME FT Di

Napptime and Blanco After Dark Here No evil

Everytme A Being Die Angel's Cry! After Dark Napp
Hating and jealousy should have never been a problem

NappTime After Dark 2 Days Before V-Day
Al Wonder Singing on the hook NappTime Rapping on the verses
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NappTime my story
Being a music lover since I was young playing drums and listening to music quickly became me wanting to make music of my own also being in da U.S.Army and not having time to prosue my music career due to me working in da feild or being deployed as a result of da Army not loosing my interest in me making my own music met some people just like me wanting to prosue our first Album we connected and da little time we did have out side of da Army and Relatives we were able to get one Album together with all of us being in da Army including our manager quickly became not having time to do shows and work on another Ablum to show our progress with da Music to being deployed and some in our group leaving and changing duty stations for me having to put da Music on da back burner was upsetting. I want to be free to Create. One deployment to Korea around da time when Da U.S. stepped in on North Korea from dominating South Korea from trying to take them over we as Da U.S.A. went in to train da Korean soilders so they would have a chance at protecting their country so we can pull our forces out. Training lasted about three weeks in South Korea and da last week we would battle using laser tag equipment and real smoke grenades to simulate a war
and of course we won but they did good. Beside the incident that almost took me out. After finally got a handle on it my self and still want to make music. I am a Motivational Rapper and promote Maintaining and Getting AHead with Relatives, Friends and Fans!!!
Your musical influences
Every Song I hear gives my an idea to make music and embark on Music in a Positive Way
What equipment do you use?
Studio setupper
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