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Picture for song 'Teach Me To Dance (BT Falken)' by artist 'spinaceto'

Teach Me To Dance (BT Falken)

Great Backing Track from my talented friend Falken, I added my Ibanez nylon string guitar and a little bit with my Squier strat (crunchy clean). Happy to be "On Line" once again !! ;)

Latin Jazz

Picture for song 'So oder So' by artist 'spinaceto'

So oder So

Aussenjam #57 BT by Scott Lerner, lead guitar and rhodes-piano lead Spinaceto.

Smooth Jazz

Picture for song 'Rain on 42nd Street' by artist 'spinaceto'

Rain on 42nd Street

Some own remembrances of New York City.

Acid Jazz

Picture for song 'Imperfect Blue Sea (feat. Al Massey on tenor sax)' by artist 'spinaceto'

Imperfect Blue Sea (feat. Al Massey on tenor sax)

Clickers Club Challenge Januar 2015. Imagine sitting in a small Jazz Lounge on the pier enjoying the view of the ocean and listening the Spin-Trio performing live on stage featuring Al Massey on tenor sax. Imagine! Hope you enjoy the tune. :)


Picture for song 'Evening Breeze (BT Klaatu)' by artist 'spinaceto'

Evening Breeze (BT Klaatu)

Latin/Bossa Nova/Jazz.....fantastic track composed by Klaatu (CT) aka Keymaster88 , lead guitar by me.

Latin Jazz


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