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360 songs
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Picture for song 'Lifted (Free d/l)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Lifted (Free d/l)

Rap beat with hard 808 and catchy piano melody.

$25 Hip Hop 90 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Get Back (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'
Picture for song 'Run It Back (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Run It Back (Free D/L)

$25 #13 in New School 150 BPM

Picture for song 'Loaded (Free D/L) [1]' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Loaded (Free D/L) [1]

$25 #42 in Trap 138 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Ambitions (Free D/L) [1]' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Ambitions (Free D/L) [1]

All the licenses come without producer's voice tags.

$25 Trap 132 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'KJ (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'
Picture for song 'Levitate (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Levitate (Free D/L)

All the licenses come without producer's voice tags.

$25 New School 81 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'No Drama (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

No Drama (Free D/L)

$25 #10 in Jazzy Beats 144 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Cake (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Cake (Free D/L)

The producer's voice tags are only on free download versions. All the licenses come without the tags.

$25 Trap 156 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Peaches (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Peaches (Free D/L)

Smooth 94 BPM

Picture for song 'Face Off (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Face Off (Free D/L)

Producer's voice tags are only on free download versions. All the licenses come without the voice tags.

#15 in Gangsta 82 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Commas (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Commas (Free D/L)

#21 in Pop 90 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Style (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'
Picture for song 'Back It Up (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Back It Up (Free D/L)

You can hear producer voice tag only on free download versions. All the licenses come without the voice tag.

$25 Gangsta

Picture for song 'Pull Up (Free D/L)' by artist 'Tony Fadd'

Pull Up (Free D/L)

#49 in Hip Hop 87 BPM

Need Beats? My email: tonyfadd@gmail.com