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Free MP3s - Free MP3 - Free Music Download - ALL FOR FREE MUSIC - All Original Songs - Totally Legal Music Download - like Bob Dylan back on speed (well nearly

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Picture for song 'Body Of Lies' by artist 'ThinMan'

Body Of Lies

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Ghost Radar (Snippet)

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Over Milk Wood

The Thinman once had a cottage in Laugharne (Wales) right above Dylan Thomas' Boathouse - thought I'd better try and makeup a song - I'm sure Dylan would approve !
Download The Nasty Angels CD FREE FREE FREE from Prosity Records: Go on go on go on go on - go there and download music for free We are based in Newcastle Upon Tyne (North East England) and are often found hanging around open mic nights............The Earl Grey in Gosforth on a Sunday Evening (A Paul Jackson Spectacular), The Carriage - Jesmond on a Wednesday (this is run by The Runwells - the best band around in the whole universe) and a Sunday (The Dharma Banana - stalwarts of The Newcastle original music scene). If you'd like to hear more of the stuff we knock out, raw songs and the band practising, then have a look at the "music", please do. Bob Dylan is my top artist of all time and no-one will ever top Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde on Blonde (all in one year man !) - not in my opinion anyway. If you have a different opinion you are welcome to it - but you are wrong ! I also love the songs of Morrissey (maybe it's because I'm from Manchester - where the King is Denis Law........) and Shane MacGowan. The Ian Siegal Band (www.iansiegal.com) are the gig I most enjoy these days - ALWAYS get to see them if you get chance. Mark Sandman and Morphine are a constant source of inspiration - love the sound they have. I have been involved with local bands since about 1978 and in all honesty, they have not amounted to very much and I conclude I am a slow learner - however - after a short but enjoyable spell trying to play drums in a friends band I realised that I enjoyed working on original material. I got 3 albums out on Prosity Records (www.prosity.blogspot.com) thanks to the legendary Dan Tindall an all time great pioneer of low cost Hi-Fi and original acoustic music - the music is FREE; some people seem to prefer paying lottsa money for shitbox albums by industry performers - my advice "do like Bob says - when you see a crowd go the other way !" and go to Prosity (well Bob didbn't say that last bit but I'm sure he would approve)
Band/artist history
When you are doing your own material you are in the big game, covers are for Karaoke Singers - 25 years messing about in other peoples' bands doing the same old covers so my "heart is unchained" and I have been "taken to the river" and decided to do original stuff only
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I/We play open-mic nights (especially The Carriage Jesmond) and paid gigs if we can get them (although, in truth, we are not making much effort to get gigs - but soon "The Band" will exist)
Your musical influences
Free MP3's Free Music Downloads Bob Dylan Shane MacGowan Morrissey Archie Brown Wanna write songs that are interesting on lottsa levels
What equipment do you use?
Hollow Wood Strum Guitar (Seagull/Godin S6+CW+LR Baggs)) 1965 Harmony Stratotone H47 with single DeArmond 1963 Hofner Colorama fitted with a single DeArmond 2009 Mahogany Table Top Guitar fitted with a single DeArmond Marshall Valvestate VS15-R Yamaha Tenor Saxophone Otto link 10* Mouthpiece Mic (SONY Condenser Stereo) Fostex MR4 Hard Disc Recorder Kristal Audio Engine Mixer (Free Download)
Anything else?
Hey - if you buy any of our albums (and you can't afford not to at the rock bottom price of $2-99 - soundclick won't let me make them any cheaper) then I will email you a proper album cover if you mail and ask - not much point buying them though - you can dowload them for free at www.prosity.blogspot.com. Any money made will go to Prosity Records to support free original material My old man said I'd never make any money playing the guitar - he was right there - but that little detail ain't never gonna stop me


Newcastle, United Kingdom

Rock Folk Rock

id: 113551


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