Timothy Shelley
Freestyle 2018
Unexpected inspiration from a random Youtube video Deconstructing 10 best rhymers of all time. This also is the 1 new beat i've downloaded i the last year ( few days ago ) and only on this laptop. Shout out to RockItPro.com for being amazing,always.
Falling Star in the Club (T-Reginald association)
Light of 705 special. First "LaunchKEY Mini" creation... We are loving this little unit.
Story Time
Recently have purchased a new Microphone setup. Which comes, of course, with the need to test it. The beat is fire, and I was in the depths of Studio705 with my good friend Trevor T,... So this was the creation of the night :)
You Anymore
I Ball Harder
I am starting to pull it back together.. The newest and Greatest right here.. Thanks for checking!
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