saint diablo

Comments 12
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Mar 15, 2006
Hey guys, Iv'e noticed that nobody has messeged here i a long time I see, hope everything is going well for you guys :) I really liked the production of some of the songs I heard.. I also really like the song "Senoria Paranoia" Liked it so much I downlosded it! Keep Kickin!
Jul 18, 2005
Theater of 27 " I loke " epic saga is now on my site, check it out cheers.
May 25, 2005
HEY DUDES!! Love the tune. I like hard edge rock and hopefully you will do well. And hope you will listen to don goodyear's THE WORLD TODAY. I hope you will like it much as I do. (Type name and hit search on the bottom of the home page from soundclick.) Keep up the good work. SEE YA LATER!!!
Oct 31, 2004
Great metal,good band name, pure gold. check out my world of doom.cheers
Oct 30, 2004
sup guys?!? just sent you guys an email thru your website...i, like you guys, view music the same way, the balance of good and evil..being a father, i try to show my kids the good, i just don't always succeed, but i am by the way, i was the puerto rican guy at the canal club last thursday night standing in the back with my arms crossed in the white t-shirt...just watching the energy you displayed...along with the PUERTO RICO FLAG!!!!!!! HOT DAMN!!!! seriously though, i was hugely impressed at how tight you guys are live and i hope one day you guys go absolute worldwide...and hopefully we can share a stage...latinos gotta watch each others backs anyway, hehehe. anyway hit me up and let me know what you think of my stuff...peace out !!!!!!!!
Sep 04, 2004
Aug 08, 2004
yo man i was a jesters the 7th, i only got to see half the show but that fuqin show ROCKED man, im definatly trying to get out there on the 26th man, you guys rox keep up the good work guys
Little Buddha
Jul 20, 2004
Hi, please check out our latest recording "Faded Memories" would love to get your feedback on it. Cheers! Johnny&Chris
May 17, 2004
Hi ! While you got lots of time there...please go checking our music, too. Keep on doing your thing !
Feb 08, 2004
You have a great sound. We think you guys rocked . Like to catch ya on the road sometime . till then keep it loud. If ya get time check us out. Any and all feedback is appreciated. -J. of the jerico project
Jan 08, 2004
what up yo......the names sean..i smoked a joint with your bassist before the superjoint show at jaxx.....just moved down to VA from NYC ...check out my band FlawFactor should dig it..keep up the heavy sh***
Dec 15, 2003
kick ass music.