Just an artist who enjoys making music as a hobby.

1 top 50
29 songs
5.1K plays
Picture for song 'Fcuk the government - Kaliber' by artist 'KAL!BER'

Fcuk the government - Kaliber

Fcuk the government, everyones tired of their BS. hopefully this song is a wake up call to everyone.

Hip Hop General No samples

Picture for song 'New to me - Kaliber (prod. Trill Emotion)' by artist 'KAL!BER'

New to me - Kaliber (prod. Trill Emotion)

Alternative Hip Hop No samples

Picture for song 'Old School Break- Kaliber' by artist 'KAL!BER'

Old School Break- Kaliber

Old School

Picture for song 'High Life Beat- Kaliber' by artist 'KAL!BER'

High Life Beat- Kaliber

Beats General

Picture for song 'moonlight sonata remix TAGGED' by artist 'KAL!BER'

moonlight sonata remix TAGGED

sampled moonlight sonata by beethoven (sample didn't need clearance)

Beats General

Sit back, throw some of my songs on, and relax.
Band/artist history
I MAKE HOOKS, sickest hooks ever, if you have a beat and want a hook let me know, and if you like the hook i make tyhen you can buy it, as soon as i send u a sample it becomes copyrighted and if you try to steal my lyrics, there will be a problem lol
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Your musical influences
Rap, mostly Drumma boy, although i sound nothing like him, thats good though cuz i sound like me, and theres only one of me
What equipment do you use?
a computer with various programs
Anything else?
I MAKE HOOKS, sickest hooks ever, if you have a beat and want a hook let me know, and if you like the hook i make tyhen you can buy it, as soon as i send u a sample it becomes copyrighted and if you try to steal my lyrics, there will be a problem lol


arnprior, ont  USA

Beats Beats General

id: 1118417


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