Paul Iorio

1 top 1
32 top 50
203 songs
6.7K plays
Picture for song 'Life's Just a Single Blast.' by artist 'Paul Iorio'

Life's Just a Single Blast.

Folkpop. Aired on KCRW, KALX, KSDT and other radio stations!

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Samantha Moore, by paul iorio' by artist 'Paul Iorio'

Samantha Moore, by paul iorio

A power pop song about someone named Samantha Moore.

#44 in Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Chasin' You, by paul iorio.' by artist 'Paul Iorio'

Chasin' You, by paul iorio.

A drony song of longing. I wrote this in the winter of 1983 in a rat-infested apartment in Manhattan and wrote the last bit about "good luck dancing naked in broken windows" in late 1985 during the hurricane that hit NYC.

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'NADSAT SONG.' by artist 'Paul Iorio'


Drum and piano based pop, sung in Nadsat, the language of "A Clockwork Orange." Composed, performed, arranged and produced by Paul Iorio.

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'The Worm Ate My Brain, by paul iorio.' by artist 'Paul Iorio'

The Worm Ate My Brain, by paul iorio.

A folk-punk song about a particularly kooky public figure! Composition, music, lyrics, arrangement, production, performance, rhythm guitar, lead guitar and vocals by paul iorio.

Other Alternative


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