Eddie Clites

20 top 50
29 songs
10.6K plays
Picture for song 'Midnight Distraction' by artist 'Eddie Clites'

Midnight Distraction

Wah Wah, Guitars, Wurlys, Farfs, a nice retro concoction.

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Mad Again' by artist 'Eddie Clites'

Mad Again

Heavy grinding Electric Blues based Rocking Instrumental. Featuring SG with FuzzFace and some gritty Wurly (via Roland XP-80)

Electric Blues

Picture for song 'Thinkin Bout Nothin' by artist 'Eddie Clites'

Thinkin Bout Nothin

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Pleiadic Protozoa' by artist 'Eddie Clites'

Pleiadic Protozoa

Mysterious Clickurious song submission.


Picture for song 'Rosemary Spider' by artist 'Eddie Clites'

Rosemary Spider

Melodies get in my head when I work in the garden. Spider in the rosemary bush working away.



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